News & Events
傳奇聚首 – 皇家馬德里巴塞羅那傳奇球星到訪香港墨爾文國際學校
- 香港時間周三,一班巴塞隆拿及皇家馬德里傳奇球星去到墨爾文國際學校與小球員交流,順道為周五晚上傳奇元老賽Legends Assemble宣傳。沙維奧拿、古華特及文迪達三大球星都精神奕奕,主辦單位發言人甘銘祺(Marcus)表示,一班球星會陸續抵港,包括亨利及卡斯拿斯都會來港披甲。
Sing Tao – Winter 2024
名宿訪港|8皇馬巴塞名宿校訪 偕小球員猜馬騮鬥波 古華特笑簽宿敵球衣
- 兩支西甲豪門皇家馬德里和巴塞隆拿名宿將在香港呈現經典版西班牙「國家打吡」,周五(20日)晚上8時於香港大球場出戰「LEGENDS ASSEMBLE 傳奇球星表演賽」。其中8名參賽名宿今早(18日)率先到訪大埔白石角一間國際學校,與該校學生互動交流並打成一片。
Ming Pao – Winter 2024
A tradition of excellence: Preparing global citizens for a dynamic future
- Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) and Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong (MCPS) are part of the prestigious Malvern Family of Schools, offering a seamless educational journey from early childhood through to secondary school. With a focus on academic excellence, entrepreneurial education, and holistic child development, Malvern stands out as a leader in international education in Hong Kong.
Expat Living – Winter 2024
Updates from Malvern
- Students from Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) are brimming with great ideas – and four of them have now launched a society that allows the school’s budding entrepreneurs to easily share ideas and help bring projects to fruition.
Expat Living – Winter 2022
Five-year Milestones for Malvern
- Malvern College Pre-School (MCPS) has been celebrating its fifth birthday this year at Coronation Circle; the pretty preschool campus in West Kowloon welcomed its first pupils in August 2017…
Expat Living – June 2022
Maximising Potential
- We chat with three members of the Malvern community to discover how pupils are supported by scholarship, leadership and university counselling programmes to build a solid foundation for the IBDP, tertiary education and beyond.
Expat Living – Autumn 2022
墨爾文一條龍IB課程 訓練學生批判思維
- 香港墨爾文國際學校是「一條龍」的IB學校,開辦小學項目(PYP)、中學項目(MYP)及大學預科項目(DP),現時全校約有九百人。創校時,該校先開辦一至九年級,其後每年逐步開辦至十三年級,本學年開設至十二年級,約有十五名學生修讀IBDP課程,他們有不同的學習目標及升學志向,例如攻讀法律、醫學或音樂等科目,亦有興趣升讀英國或美國等地的大學。
Sing Tao Education – 9 February 2022
墨爾文首年課程插班 更易適應學習
- 香港墨爾文國際學校校長李諾斌表示,該校報讀人數持續增長,當中不乏來自本地學校的插班生。他認為家長決定讓子女轉校修讀IB課程的原因,是該課程的學習內容涵蓋全面,而且全球認受性高,學生可選擇海外或留港升學,擴闊他們日後的發展出路。
Sing Tao Education – 9 February 2022
Thirteen-year-old golfer Arianna Lau out to follow idol Tiffany Chan’s LPGA Tour and Olympic footsteps as she sets world No 1 blueprints
- While Hong Kong golf whizz Arianna Lau’s dreams of being the world number one may initially appear far away, the 13-year-old’s trajectory has shown the sky is the limit.
South China Morning Post – 7 September 2021
Middle Years Success
- There’s a buzz at Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK), as its first cohort of Sixth Form pupils has just started the highly regarded two-year IB Diploma Programme. They’ll sit for their final exams in Upper Sixth (Year 13) in May 2023.
Expat Living – September – November 2021
New Developments at Malvern
- Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) is an IB World School located in Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, just adjacent to the Hong Kong Science Park. It is known for its unique heritage in combining academic excellence with pastoral care that cherishes each child as an individual and offers a highly regarded international curriculum to the primary and secondary levels.
Hong Kong Living – September 2021
Malvern’s MYP eAssessments
- Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) is an IB World School located in Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, just adjacent to the Hong Kong Science Park. Following its successful launch in August 2018, the school continues to execute its ambitious growth strategy after having received the IB PYP, MYP and DP accreditation in the academic year 2020/21.
Hong Kong Living School Guide – September 2021
Entrepreneurial Education
- Dr Robin A Lister discusses the benefits of teaching entrepreneurial skills early on…
Expat Parent, August 2021
Life’s a Beach!
- The idea of conducting classes in the great outdoors rather than the classroom might sound counterintuitive. In fact, it’s a wonderful learning environment for kids. Anyone who is truly connected to Hong Kong knows that our city is one of contrasts. The fragrant harbour’s highdensity living quite rapidly surrenders to breathtaking natural experiences. For pupils receiving a world-leading education at Malvern College Pre-School or Malvern College Hong Kong, this contrast is presented in bi-weekly excursions, as part of its pioneering Forest-Beach School programmes..
Expat Living – June – August 2021
墨爾文學校推行「創業教育」冀培養學生早一步洞悉商機 貢獻國際社會
- 創業是未來職業路向的新趨勢,不過傳統教學並不會教學生如何發展自己的事業。香港墨爾文國際學校決定破舊立新,在課程中加入「創業教育」的元素,與「森林課程」相輔相成,培養學生成為既能洞悉商機,又能為國際社會作出貢獻的人才。
Ohpama – April 2021
Pre-school 學做企業家?
- 國際學校校長拆解Entrepreneurial Education…有155年歷史的墨爾文國際學校,近日更在香港的pre-school課程加入企業家思維教育 (Entrepreneurial Education)。幾歳小孩學做企業家? 這天請來香港墨爾文國際學校創校校長李諾斌博士和大家談談。
U-magazine – April 2021
Alongside Tradition is Innovation
- When you consider that Malvern College UK was founded in 1865, it’s easy to imagine the rich history, strong traditions and impressive legacy that come with such an established institute of education. Malvern’s academic rigour, scientific heritage and the pursuit of holistic education, has given it an enviable reputation for being one of the most established IB schools in the UK.
Playtimes – April 2021
Nurturing responsible global leaders
- How Malvern College’s Five Centres of Excellence are reshaping the future of education…
Expat Living – April 2021
Malvern College Hong Kong welcomes applications to the Pre-Sixth Form programme
- As one of England’s great public schools, Malvern College has a rich and distinguished history. In 2018, it extended its reach to Hong Kong and opened a purpose-built, state-of-the-art campus in Pak Shek Kok, Tai Po…
Hong Kong Living – 3 March 2021
Why I Choose This School: Parent Testimonial
- “Malvern College Hong Kong provides a caring and supporting environment for its pupils. We love the House system and the emphasis on the Malvern Qualities as integral values!”
ITS Education Asia – March 2021
IB Ready?
- The new Pre-Sixth Form programme at Malvern College Hong Kong(MCHK) focuses on preparing students for the IB Diploma.
Expat Living – March – May 2021
How to get a school place
- Malvern College Hong Kong’s Headmaster, Dr Robin Lister, shares his advice on Hong Kong’s international school system introduces the school, its history, ethos and offering.
Hong Kong Living Family Guide – March 2021
- 諾貝爾化學獎得主弗朗西斯.阿斯頓與弗雷德里克.桑格、諾貝爾經濟學獎得主詹姆斯.米德、馬來西亞前首相納吉.阿都拉薩……他們各有成就,共通點是都曾就讀英國墨爾文學校。這所在遙遠英國的老牌學府兩年前落戶香港,現在只要到訪大埔白石角,就可以近距離認識譽滿國際的精英搖籃。[撰文:劉倩瑜]
T-Post – November 2020
Educating the whole child
- “Malvern attaches great importance to educating the whole person and ensures that every child’s potential is fulfilled in whatever areas they are passionate about. For this reason, the school applauds excellence with wide-ranging scholarships covering academic, music, sports and art categories. The maximum level of award is 100% tuition fee remission.”
The Standard Student – 16 October 2020
Malvern College prepares students to succeed as future leaders
- “Some leaders are born, but leadership skills can also be taught,” Dr Lister said. “We want to recognise and promote excellence wherever it’s found. But in addition, having scholarships helps the whole school because it provides role models, which, from my experience, is really important.”
SCMP Young Post – 29 September 2020
Educating the whole child
- What differentiates a Malvern education is the unique set of values deeply embedded in all facets of the school, and eleven qualities distinctive to the community have been carefully selected, according to Dr. Lister.
The Standard – 29 September 2020
Cultivating excellence, diversity and leadership
- Malvern College Hong Kong introduces a new leadership scholarship programme to help identify and foster young leaders of the future.
South China Morning Post – 10 September 2020
Start with a Dream – Finish Empowered for the Future
- Malvern College Hong Kong invites young achievers to apply for prestigious academic scholarships.
South China Morning Post – 6 April 2020
Today’s Learners are Tomorrow’s Leaders
- Success, whether personal or professional, requires balance. At school, a student should learn to balance the pursuit of academic excellence…
Expat Parent, April 2020
New Scholarships at this HK School
- Scholarships can be powerful pupil milestones, providing an advantage for young people from all walks of life. This type of merit-based prize can be life changing.
Expat Living – 20 March 2020
Online Learning, The Malvern Way (Podcast)
- In this episode, we catch up with Dr Robin Lister, Headmaster at Malvern College Hong Kong, to hear about the school’s online learning approach.
Expat Living – 9 March 2020
Flipping Things Around
- While many Hong Kong families were enjoying their Chinese New Year holidays, the team at Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) were working hard to ensure a swift and smooth roll-out…
Expat Living, March – May 2020
Tackling the challenges of online learning: How Malvern College Hong Kong is supporting pupils through times of school closure
- …Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK), like all other schools in the territory, is dealing with its second period of school closure in the course of this academic year.
Around DB – March 2020
Malvern College’s balancing act
- Dr Robin Lister, PhD, leans back and takes a long, deep breath when asked how the past seven months have played out. “I guess you could say it’s been a rapid learning curve,” laughs the Englishman. “It’s definitely been exciting.”
AmChamHK – 15 April 2019
Debut day for young cricketers
- Malvern College Hong Kong had a successful first day of school on August 27, but some members of the initial intake have been getting a bit of a head start.
South China Morning Post – 31 August 2018
Get to Know More About Malvern College Hong Kong
- Your child’s experience at school will have a profound impact on the person they become, the path they choose in life and their ability to success in their chosen field.
Expat Living – 30 May 2018
Houses full of character
- Malvern college hong kong, which opens its doors at the end of August, will offer the traditional house system of its mother school, Malvern College UK.
The Standard – 29 May 2018
Malvern College Hong Kong Offers Thoughtful Learning
- From comprehensive pastoral care to an innovative programme that takes learning outdoors, Malvern College Hong Kong is working in close partnership with Malvern College UK…
Hong Kong Tatler – 23 May 2018
Malvern College Hong Kong to Open with Mandate to Prepare Pupils for Rapid Change
- Computer coding and daily Mandarin lessons combine with forest forays and cooking to build adaptability and resilience in students.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong International Schools Expo – 05 May 2018
Rugby fever lighting up Malvern College Hong Kong’s Co-Curricular Activities
- As part of the build-up to August 27, the first day of the first term at Malvern College Hong Kong, the school organised a “rugby experience day”…
South China Morning Post – 16 April 2018
8 Reasons Why You Should Consider Malvern College
- With the August opening of Malvern College Hong Kong drawing nearer, we speak with founding headmaster Dr Robin Lister to find out what sets a Malvern education apart.
Expat Living – 29 March 2018
University Admissions 101
- Dr. Robin Lister from Malvern College Hong Kong recently sat down with us to teach us, fittingly, a thing or two or ten about the overwhelming topic of university admissions.
Little Steps Hong Kong – 27 March 2018
Malvern College Hong Kong
- While Malvern College Pre-School welcomes its first cohort of young students to its Olympic-based campus…
Hong Kong Living – 27 March 2018
A tale of two cities in uniforms: the story behind green school ties, tartan skirts and blue cheongsams
- From Chinese cheongsams to English pleated skirts, we look at how uniforms transcend time in Hong Kong
South China Morning Post – 16 March 2018
A state-of-the-art campus for Malvern College Hong Kong
- The campus of Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) is located adjacent to the Hong Kong Science Park and the scenic Tolo Harbour.
South China Morning Post – 06 November 2017
Britain’s Malvern College to open a school in Hong Kong next year and will ‘educate the whole person’ not just a student
- The boarding school will be able to boast of four overseas campuses next year, adding the 852 to a list that includes Chengdu on the mainland, and Cairo in Egypt.
Young Post – 06 September 2017
Interview with Dr Robin Lister, Founding Headmaster of Malvern College Hong Kong
- Malvern College Hong Kong is set to open in Providence Bay in late 2018 with the pre-school…
Quintessentially QInsider – 18 October 2016
Malvern College to open fifth school overseas – in Hong Kong
- Malvern College, one the UK’s leading independent boarding schools has announced that…
HMC Blog (Headmasters’ & Headmistresses’ Conference) – 26 August 2016
IB Special Report – All-Round Excellence New international school: Malvern College Hong Kong
- When it opens in September 2018, Malvern College Hong Kong will operate as a co-educational day school for students…
Education Post – 22 June 2016
All systems go for new Brit School
- The foundations have been laid for Malvern College, the latest British school to arrive in Hong Kong.
Expat Parent – 5 June 2016
New British School in town: Malvern College Hong Kong
- The foundations have been laid for Malvern College, the latest British to arrive in Hong Kong.
Southside Magazine – 6 June 2016
HK wins with Nobel-producing school
- An elite international school that has produced three Nobel laureates plans to accept applications from September…
The Standard – 21 April 2016
4,200 international school places to be made available in HK
- Up to 4,200 international school places will be made available locally over the next two years, Chief Secretary Carrie Lam said.
EJ Insight – Hong Kong Economic Journal- 21 April 2016
- 圖:林鄭月娥(左六)、學校創辦人及行政總裁蘇婕(左五)與校董會成員,昨日為香港墨爾文國際學校舉行奠基禮後向來賓祝酒”大公報記者何嘉駿攝
Ta Kung Pao – 21 April 2016
墨爾文國際校奠基 小學學費14.8萬
- 香港文匯報訊(記者 黎忞)在英國有150年歷史、曾培育過諾貝爾獎得主的墨爾文學院(Malvern College)
Wen Wei Pao – 21 April 2016
- (星島日報報道)曾培育諾貝爾得主的英國墨爾文學院(Malvern College),落戶香港開辦國際學校,學校去年五月獲政府批出大埔白石角科學園附近地皮
Sing Tao Daily – 21 April 2016
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