Children with outstanding talent perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience or environment. In keeping with the mission of Malvern College Hong Kong, we aim to ensure appropriate academic challenge and opportunities inside and outside of the classroom, for pupils who are capable of such performance, supported and guided by our dedicated Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator.
While teachers are committed to nurturing gifts and talents in every child, we recognize that at the top of a dynamic continuum of learners, we may find gifted and talented students with unusual gifts in intellectual, creative and artistic areas who require specialized learning support. With unusual gifts comes unique learning needs, and we seek to nurture these children in order to allow them to exhibit high performance in their gifted domain.
At Malvern College Hong Kong, support for gifted and talented pupils includes:
A multi-faceted approach to identification is coordinated by the Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator;
A school-wide inclusive approach, which includes appropriate academic challenge and engagement in the classroom. Where appropriate, gifted students will be placed in classes in groups to enable the opportunity to work with others of like mind who also have similar social and emotional development;
Enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom led by school and University staff with areas of specialism; gifted students will be offered opportunities to participate in gifted programmes and competitions during CCA time;
Close liaison with parents in support of the needs of gifted and talented students.